Hi guys, I know its totally off-topic and prolly better suited for the
DBI list. But I believe this list is read by more experienced people.
Anyways my apologies.

I am looking for working setups for database redundancy in a web
environment; 24/7 stuff!!

Using a farm of machines running mod_perl and slimlined apaches behind a
box like the ArrowPoint content smart switch (wicked layer 5 load
balancer) has proved successfull. But how to further redundancy in the
back end; the databases?!

The only things I can think of are:

- replication (like Oracle does, but suitable for web ?!?)
- multiplexing process to forward write-transactions to all db's

.. and they both don't really sound smashing :(

I love to hear from Ask, imdb guys (Rob you alive?!) or anyone else
offcourse how they maintain ~100% uptime. And again sorry for the



ps. anyone working with BroadVision products? Like to talk..

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