On Fri, 05 Nov 1999, Anthony Gardner wrote:
> All,
> I have a problem.
> I want to use data in XML format and store it in memory for obvious reasons 
> of speed and to utilise the capabilities of XML. I also want to load the 
> data at server start up time.
> The problem arises with the size of the data. I end up with six children 
> each with 150MB of data. Needless to say I've run out of memory and the 
> error_log gives error msgs about not being able to fork.
> I really would like to keep the data in XML format and not use a DB. How can 
> I make it so that the children reference one copy of data and not have their 
> own.
> I've tried assigning the $doc from $xp->parsefile to IPC::Shareable but that 
> keels over under the load.
> I could maybe get away with not loading the data at startup time but how can 
> the children reference it?
> Have I over looked a simple strategy? Or Wot!!

Definitely. XML is not a database format. It can make a great database
export/transmission format, but don't use it for a live database - you may
live to regret it :)


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