I've hunted all over the place for this, and still haven't found the
solution.  I remember seeing it for the C api, but not for Apache::*.
I own the O'Reilly book and do quite a bit of mod_perl programming, so
if someone can help me on this I'd appreciate it.

I have some setups where I need to separate the configuration based on the
directory/location it's being loaded from.  Like this:

<Location /uri>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::SomeModule

In other words, I want to be able to see that it's in /uri in the perl
section.  Or rather, the class method inside it.  This may seem trivial,
but I also don't want to use the string '/uri' anywhere in in the <Perl>

In the past I've been pressed for time so I've simply added a PerlSetVar
for a key of some sort and used that key when configuring:

PerlSetVar SomeModule_Key 'set1'

However I do not like this approach.  It puts the task on the administrator
to maintain the separation of information by key - sometimes useful,
perhaps, but not often.

An example of an application this is being used for is a module I wrote up
called Apache::Template, which loads templates in memory and then lets you
bind parts of the URI in order to fill them in and process them to the user.
The solution is appropriate for the application, so please, no questions
like 'well if you changed the application'.

I've looked through Apache::Server, tried dir_config and various other
things, and still have no luck.  Since this problem has persisted, and I no
longer recollect the C api that does what I'm looking for, does someone else
know what is?  If it does not exist, or simply is not well documented, can
we (I volunteer) do it?

Thank you.

PS - I have a module called Apache::XMLRPC that uses Frontier::RPC2 to implement the
corresponding spec.  Is there anything currently out there that does this? 
If not, I'll release it.


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