
I'm running into a strange problem with the combination Apache 1.3.9, modperl
1.21 and perl 5.005.03. This problem doesn't occur with perl 5.004 with modperl
1.14 and apache 1.3.1.

I have 2 modules :
package ThingA;

use ThingB;

sub new ....

sub ThingB { ThingA::ThingB->new( @_ ) }

package ThingB;

@ThingA::ThingB::ISA = qw(ThingA);

sub new {
  my ($class,$thinga,$id) = @_;
  $self = {};
  bless $self,$class;

  $self->{'THINGA'} = $thinga;
Now, if I write a normal perl script :

use ThingA;
$thinga = new ThingA;
$thingb = $thinga->ThingB;

This runs fine, but if I do the same in the modperl environment and set
PerlWarn On in the conf file, I get the warning 'Deep recursion' and the httpd
process grows until I'm out of memory. Does anyone have a clue what kind of
problem this could be? I would think some sort of namespace problem but cannot
imagine why.

Thanks in advance

Ronald Lens

System developer
xxLINK Internet Services 
Tel:    020-6005700 
Fax:    020-6001825 
Web:    http://www.xxLINK.nl/ 
Fysiek: Postbus 2739
        1000 CS Amsterdam
        The Netherlands

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