Hello there.
I am the CTO for webfs, inc.
We are a mod_perl/ Solaris house.
I am going to do some buying of web servers for our web site.
Since our web server + mod_perl=application server, What are the areas
of intensity that are known as far as resources?
Since ultra 5's cost around 2k a piece, they are attractive.  But since
they are EIDE and limited in cache and IO, I was wondering if they are
good buys for a website that is strictly mod_perl.
Bottom line, is mod_perl intensive on system IO or other areas where it
would be in our interest in looking at ultra 1's or 2's instead of ultra
Thanks for any info.
org:WebFS, inc.
note;quoted-printable:First they ignore you,=0D=0A then they laugh at you,=0D=0A then they fight you,=0D=0A then you win.=0D=0A- Mahatma Ghandi 
fn:Scott Unkefer

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