> sorry for offtopic

next time, use comp.lang.perl.misc

> silly question

no such thing

> friend of mine just learning perl has asking me what does
> 'string';  means. Perl seems just silently ignores this
> 'statement' No warning, no action. Is it a known feature ?

In perl and C, an expression can be a statement.  For example,
  b = c + d
is an expression since one can say
  a = (b = c + d)
but it can also be used as a statement.  Similarly, 
are expressions and therefore can be used in other expressions and as
standalone statements.


Eric L. Brine  |  Chicken: The egg's way of making more eggs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do you always hit the nail on the thumb?
ICQ# 4629314   |  An optimist thinks thorn bushes have roses.

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