Dear list readers - 

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Generally "\n\n" is enough for most (all?) of the widely used browsers
> (clients), but to be compliant with HTTP RFCs one has to use "\r\n\r\n".
I do not believe this to be true.

I have had problems when sending "\n\n" to users with Micro$oft !nternet
Expl0rer 4.0.  When MSIE4 sees \n\n in a user response field in a FORM it
screws up the box into which the user is supposed to type his response.

To fix the problem I explicitly send "\r\n\r\n" and then all is OK.

Kind regards,
Ged Haywood.
PS: Can anybody help with my posting of 3 November?
    I have seen no response.

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