Out of curiosity, what is wrong with the regular open/close/print <<END?

The Apache::File class provides an Apache-oriented version of IO::File; it's
described on pp 489-496 in my copy of the Eagle book.

Depending on what files you want to write to, there might be other ways. If you
are just using a temporary (scratch) file, you can use Apache::File::tmpfile,
or if you are keeping a log, it might be easier to just use Apache::Log and
then use something like the 

    $r->log->warn("MY HANDLER => $my_particular_error_message");

syntax and keep all your messages in the error log.


Anthony Gardner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> All,
> Is there another way to write to files than
> print OPF (<<END);
> ...
> I've checked out the Eagle book and all I saw concerning this was
> Also, why can't I write to files from startup.pl (i.e. during server start 
> up?!)
> If these are obvious, please don't shout. Somtimes the obvious is hard to 
> see!! Ha!
> -Ants.

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