
I would like to deny caching of pages which are under access control.
So, I looked at no_cache and browsed through the http header
produced by this method.

As far as I discovered, no_cache(1) behaves like the A option of
mod_expires. The httpd header field looks like

Expires:   <current date and time>

I am not able to manage that all proxies set the time correclty. Most likely
the time settings are different because only a few servers are connected
to an NTP time source. This is even more important if a few servers
doesn't support daylight saving time correctly.

Wouldn't it be better to behave like the M option of mod_expires, e.g.
to set the last modification date or maybe the hard way:
set an artificial date like 01/01/1980 (that's what I did for myself via


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