Apache::Cookie seems to have two different interfaces...or maybe there
are two different distributions of Apache::Cookie?  Whatever it is, the
interface seems different on two machines here at work.  One has 5.004
and one has 5.005, but that shouldn't change the Apache::Cookie interface
should it?

The interfaces are totally different.  One uses set() and get(), either
from an object or via Apache::Cookie->get().  The other purports to
use the CGI::Cookie interface but only accepts the methods it documents
itself: fetch(), bake(), etc.

In my code, I "use Apache::Cookie" and then bang away trying to figure
out what methods it supports.  The result is that the code on machine1
that calls Apache::Cookie->get('mycookie') dies with an undefined
subroutine error when run on machine2 (and vise versa for code on
machine2 that uses fetch() and bake()).

What am I missing here?  I've done "force install Apache::Cookie"
from the CPAN shell prompt several time to try to make sure everything
is in sync, but the discrepancy still exists, and I still don't know
what the correct interface to Apache::Cookie should be.  My hunch is
that the get() and fetch() versions are completely separate modules
that both declare "package Apache::Cookie", but good old CPAN should
allow that, should it?

Can someone set me straight?


P.S.-Documentation snippets from the two machines:

On machine 1:

% perldoc Apache::Cookie

     The Apache::Cookie module - An OO interface to cookies based
     on CGI::Cookie, for use in mod_perl Apache modules.

      use Apache::Cookie;

      $r = Apache->request;

      # Object oriented
      $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r);

      $cookie->set(-name => 'cookie', -value => 'monster');
      $value = $cookie->get('cookie');


On machine 2:

% perldoc Apache::Cookie

     Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class

         use Apache::Cookie ();
         my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r, ...);

     The Apache::Cookie module is a Perl interface to the cookie
     routines in libapreq.  The interface is based on Lincoln
     Stein's CGI::Cookie module.

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