
I hit this months ago but never really solved it... I'm working with the
WING e-mail package by Malcolm Beattie.  In my httpd.conf I have tried:

PerlModule Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance

<Location />
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance



$Location{"/"} = {
    SetHandler => "perl-script";
    PerlHandler => "Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance";


Neither of these work.  When I access /, the module is not invoked, and
instead, Apache brings up the DocumentRoot.

How can I debug why Apache would choose to ignore the <Location>?  Just to
be sure I also tried it with <Directory> but without luck.

Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.2.1.

(For those working with Wing already, I changed the names of the modules
since I am doing "virtual hosting" with it.)


Miguel "Migs" A.L. Paraz                     IPhil Communications Network, Inc.
http://www.iphil.net                       Business Development/Training Group
5/F 116 Herrera St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines  +63-2-750-2288 

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