Strange indeed.

This is a 10M LAN.  The reason I was suspecting something wrong with
my Apache configuration was because AOLServer (running on the test
server) was reporting about 25 requests per second for the same file,
which should definitely not be the case.



Rasmus Lerdorf writes:
 > > When I use "ab" from another Linux box to fetch a static HTML page
 > > (about 6K in size) on a test server on the same network, "ab" reports:
 > >    3 requests per second
 > > versus about:
 > >    900 requests per second
 > > when "ab" is run directly on the test server.
 > Strange.  I don't see that here.  I actually get better results when I run
 > ab from another machine across a quiet 100M LAN.  You must have something
 > really funky going on.  Massive collisions?  Bad cable?  Duplex problem?
 > -Rasmus

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