I think what you are looking for is available in the pnotes() method

it isn't documented in the book, but a recent version of mod_perl and
perldoc Apache should be able to help you, now that you know what to look


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Desjardins [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 1:06 PM
> Subject:      Stacked Handlers and passing Objects
> Hello Everyone,
> I have been lurking for a while, but this is my first post. I started
> programming perl about a year ago and have no other programming
> experience, so please forgive me if this is way out of scope. And yes, I
> have searched the archives and I have the apache modules book, but I did
> not find a clear answer to this question.
> My website that I am developing (web.carracing.com) uses 4 stacked
> handlers for each section of the site. The only one that changes is
> the 3rd handler for the content of the page. here is one of the configs:
> <Location /Racing_Links>
>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlHandler Apache_Car::Authen Apache_Car::Start_Page 
> Apache_Car::Racing_Links Apache_Car::End_Page
>         Options ExecCGI
> </Location>
> The site is completely dynamic with not one page of html besides some
> templates I parse myself. The module Apache_Car::Authen  is what I use to
> determine access and layout of every page requested. When a user logs in,
> Apache_Car::Authen then gets his/her personal data from a MySQL Database
> which is then used to layout the site to their personal prefs. Currently,
> I can use $r->notes and that works fine, but what I would like to do is
> use an module I have written and then just pass the object to
> the later stacked handlers so that the later handlers can grab necessary
> data from the objects methods. I gues the reason I want to do this is
> because when the member is authenticated, It would be easier and quicker
> to get the data from the DB and leave it in the object hash for the later
> modules. Again, please let me know if I am way off base with this thinking
> and a pointer to some examples of a better way would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> -- 
> ===========================================
> Bill Desjardins    http://www.carracing.com
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Tel: 305.205.8644
> FREE Homepages for Racers and Race Tracks!!

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