> Hi,
> a couple of questions.
> I can't get the $ENV{REMOTE_USER} var., after succesfull
> authentification - there is nothing in it.
> Here is the configuration :
> <VirtualHost>
> ...blah ....
> .....blah ...
> <Directory /work/volunteer/members>
>  AuthDBUserFile /work/.volunteers.db
>  AuthGroupFile /dev/null
>  AuthName 'Volunteers Members Area'
>  AuthType Basic
>  <Limit GET>
>   require valid-user
>  </Limit>
> </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>

I don't know why $ENV{REMOTE_USER} isn't set, but since you're using
mod_perl you can use $r->connection->user.
BTW are you sure you need that <Limit GET> section? One could use
POST, or some other method to circumvent your authentication.
> Third question :
>  Is there a way to tell Apache to reparse a handler, when I change the
> source.
>  Not to "/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"  - every time.

Use PerlFreshRestart, or Apache::StatINC.

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