This has tripped me up in the past as well.

While the preponderance of browsers support HTTP/1.1 features, they use
the lowest common denominator language, HTTP/1.0, to make requests.
Language extensions are permitted but it's all for the best that these
user agents don't report themselves as HTTP/1.1 compliant unless they
really are.

The request format object %r in mod_log_config is a wysiwyg item -- it's
the actual request.  I don't know of a way to log downgradings off hand;
they're instructions handed around the request obect as note, IIRC, so
you could write a mod_perl module to log those.  Other than that, this
isn't a mod_perl topic, so take it to comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
going forward.

Today, Jeffrey Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> frothed and gesticulated about Re: HTTP...:
> Pouneh Mortazavi wrote:
> > 
> > OK. so this is unrelated to the modperl mailing list. but its an
> > interesting question. If you know anywhere else I could post this,
> > please tell me.
> > 
> > I'm trying to find out how many clients support HTTP 1.1 features such as
> > keepalives and domain-name based virtual hosts.
> >
> > Apparently netscape 3+,ie4+ all run HTTP 1.1. Which is good. This is 95%
> > of my user agents.
> > 
> > When I look through the logs however, I see a *huge* amount of HTTP 1.0
> > requests from what are claimed to be http 1.1 compliant browsers. I get 3
> > times more HTTP1.0 requests than HTTP1.1 requests. I can understand that
> > some of these user agent strings may be rogue spiders/browsers
> > masquarading as netscape/ie ... but not that many!
> > 
> > Can anyone explain, why this would be the case? I know that my apache
> > servers can implement HTTP protocol negotiation, but I definately do not
> > do that in my conf files...
> > 
> > Has anyone else done any analysis on their webserver logs for http
> > protocols?
> I'm not terribly familiar with the Apache log format.  Are you sure that
> the log records the protocol level in the request, or the protocol level
> of the response?  The standard Apache config files include a rule to
> downgrade certain user agents to HTTP 1.0.  Is this rule in your config
> file?
> Might an intervening proxy downgrade the request to 1.0?
> Regards,
> Jeffrey

Salon Internet                
  HTTP mechanic, Perl diver, Mebwaster, Some of the above
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326 

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