
I am in the process of writing the same login methods you want. It is
mostly done and does not use Apache for basic Auth. The site completely
generated from A MySQL database and uses a TransHandler to sort out the
authorization. I do the Auth in the TransHandler so I can rewrite the URL
as soon as possible in the request. I wrote all the auth code myself and
it probably isnt the best, but you can check it out and use it of youd
like. Without any warranty of course ;-) Also, it is constantly changing
from daya to day with updates just to let you know.

Good Luck,


Bill Desjardins
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Tel: 305.205.8644
FREE Homepages for Racers and Race Tracks!!

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Arnel Estanislao wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a "best way" to accomplish the following user registration/login 
> system:
> - User attempts to visit a password-protected section of the site.
> - If user is not yet authenticated (using DBI/DBD::Pg), user is redirected 
> to a login/registration page.  (We are NOT using Basic authentication).
> - User logs in or registers.
> - User is given a session key and is taken to the URL they were originally 
> trying to visit.
> - Session expires after X amount of time.
> We're thinking about using "Authen::Ticket" or "Apache::AuthCookie", but 
> wanted to get some real-world validation of our approach, or find out about 
> other modules that have been used to successfully implement the above.
> Thanks!!!
> Arnel
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