I have a working version of Perl and mod_perl on a live system at the
moment.  Since installation, I have installed pgcc.

I want to recompile Apache and mod_perl to use a proxy front end, and
would like to do this using pgcc and its optimisations.

Stas says in his guide that Perl and mod_perl should be compiled with
the same compiler, so it seems that I should recompile Perl with pgcc at
the same time. I would prefer to compile Perl into a separate place to
my current Perl.  

My question is, when I compile mod_perl, how do I specify which version
of Perl it should refer to?  

Does it matter at compile time, or is it sufficient that the default
Perl binary is the correct one at run time?  Does the binary you use to
run Makefile.pl have any influence?

Any help greatly appreciated


Clinton Gormley

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