I just uploaded it so it may take a little while to get to all the
mirrors, but the new version is 0.92
Seems everyone has a digital camera these days (and their own Album
module as well!), and my friends were bugging me to add some new
features, so I did...
You can see a sample album at:
(I realize the background picture is a bit much, it's mainly to show
how it's done... :)

The new module will allow picture uploads (if it's enabled), so
Apache::Request is now a prereq (Image::Magick is also still a prereq)

Here's the top of the Changes file:

Revision history for mod_perl module Apache::Album.
0.92  Wed Dec  1 23:16:00 1999
        - Added Sm Med Lg tags if AllowFinalResize is set, this creates smaller
          versions of the pictures, for people with small screens and/or small
        - Added ReverseDirs/ReversePics which if set reverses the sort order
          of directories/pictures
        - Added EditMode which if set allows the end user to create new albums
          and upload pictures

And here's the top of the README

    Apache::Album - Simple mod_perl Photo Album

    Add to httpd.conf

     <Location /albums>
     É       PerlHandler Apache::Album
    #   PerlSetVar  AlbumDir            /albums_loc
    #   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailUse        Width
    #   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailWidth      100
    #   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailAspect     2/11
    #   PerlSetVar  ThumbSubDir         thumbs
    #   PerlSetVar  DefaultBrowserWidth 640
    #   PerlSetVar  OutsideTableBorder  0
    #   PerlSetVar  InsideTablesBorder  0
    #   PerlSetVar  BodyArgs            BGCOLOR=white
    #   PerlSetVar  Footer              "<EM>Optional Footer Here</EM>"
    #   PerlSetVar  EditMode            0
    #   PerlSetVar  AllowFinalResize    0
    #   PerlSetVar  FinalResizeDir      thumbs
    #   PerlSetVar  ReverseDirs         0
    #   PerlSetVar  ReversePics         0
This is a simple photo album. You simply copy some gif's/jpeg's to
a directory, create an optional text block (in a file called
caption.txt) to go at the top, and the module does the rest. It does
however require that PerlMagick be installed.  Default settings in the
httpd.conf file may be overridden by creating a .htaccess file in the
same directory as the image files and the caption.txt file.



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