hi all,

    sorry for posting off-topic. Really. Shouldn't. Couldn't.

    I'm having a ****stupid**** problem with an 'upload file' CGI I
wrote based on the CGI.pm documentation.

    The code that is failing is at the end. The file is opened
succesfully for writing (I did try and write a string in it). The CGI
parameter is 'seen' by my script but the *magic* that makes it work both
as a string and as a filehandle is somehow broken.

    Weird enough, I have a standard file-upload that does work on the
same directories and files and from the same browsers. The script is
from http://www.terminalp.com/scripts/ , written by [EMAIL PROTECTED]


use CGI;
$| =1 ;

$query= new CGI;
print $query->header();

        # Copy a binary file to somewhere safe
        open (OUTFILE,">/net/projects/intercosta.net/vroot/upload/ul")
or print $!;
  $filename = $query->param('uploaded_file');
        while ($bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {
           print OUTFILE $buffer;
     $totalbytes += $bytesread;
  close OUTFILE ;

print "$filename\n";
print $totalbytes;

   - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
    - http://www.scim.net      | God is real until  -
    - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

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