> hi,
> If I put this on Location: bar on the Netscape browser, I get the result
> of the search as expected (try it).

I don't, I get the search form. Using IE5 on Win98.

> But If I try to do this via LWP package, I didn't get the result page,
> but the FORM that is used to create this query(something is going
> wrong). Why ?!?!? What also is nesecary to send to the Web server, some
> Headers or what ?? Which ?
> I even got this result if I try the same query via telnet ?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> my $UA = new LWP::UserAgent;
> #$UA->agent("Agent/007:)");
> my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET =>
> );
> my $result = $UA->request($req);
> print $req->as_string;
>  if ($result->is_success)
>   {
>    $bb = $result->content . "<BR>\n";
>    $bb =~ s/^.*<body bg(.*)<\/body>.*$/$1/is;
>    print $bb;
>   }
>    else {print "no success\n";}
> =====
> iVAN
> =====

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