On Wed, 08 Dec 1999, Jason Simms wrote:
> If I use
> an internal redirect, I could avoid all this as the browser never "sees" the 
> redirection, and thus my data would remain safe.  But, I need to set a
> cookie at redirection as well.

What about this trick:

- make handler1 in your module do an external redirect to your handler2 in  
your same module (and set the cookie as well), then make handler2 in your  
module do an internal redirect to your CGI script, passing it sensitive data  
via arguments or ENVironment. This way, client browser will only see one  
(external) redirect and get the cookie, but your CGI script will get sensitive  
data from handler2 directly (via internal redirect).


Peter Levart - SELECT Technology

phone: +386 61 1319244
fax: +386 61 1315047

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