you use the crypt lib and do a dual password entry. no confirmation is 
needed if the two passwords match. Everything is handled by the perl 
script, you don use htpasswd. Crypting is very straightforward.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (in palo alto)

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, dave_dunstan wrote:

> Hi gang, I hope this isn't too off-topic, I figure someone will know the
> answer right away. I (my client) wants to manage user permissions at a
> shared-hosting server. I'd certainly use .htaccess, except this particular
> client wants a gui to do this sort of thing (a little form, a little cgi,
> boom bing).
> Here's my question - since I can't use an Auth module and a database, can I
> write up a widget that will write .htaccess and .htpasswd files ...?  I'm
> thinking I can call htpasswd from perl, but I'm not sure how I'd have perl
> "confirm" the new password at the confirmation prompt from htpasswd.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Is this just a cracked idea altogether?
> Happy Holidays!
> Dave Dunstan
> Mission Control Consulting LLC
> 301 8th Street, Suite 215
> San Francisco CA 94103
> ph 415.701.0088
> fx 415.241.0807

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