----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Dearman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 5:35 AM
Subject: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

> Howdy all,
> Trying to run a script from the Eagle Book (ch.4 Example 4-14)
> Using the Apache API, so it looks like:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> # file perl/hello3.pl
> use strict:
> my $r-> = Apache->request;
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->send_http_header;
> return OK unless $r->header_only;
> .
> And so on. Like a module.pm in other words.
> It doesn't work. The 'perl/' dir is the one set up for other scripts.
> The perl.conf for this dir is per book directions.
> <Location /perl>
>  SetHandler     perl-script
>  PerlHandler    Apache::Registry
>  PerlSendHeader On
>  Options        +ExecCGI
> </Location>
> Thanks,
> M. Dearman

Hey Michael,

You seem to have missed something along the way. The answer actually lies in
your own explanation of the problem.

For that location, you already have a handler -> Apache::Registry, what you
want* is your .pm as the handler for a particular location. I think if you
page back a chapter or two you'll see examples of how httpd.conf or
.htaccess files should be setup.

-Jay J

(omitting all mention [except this] of stacked handlers for this example)

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