I have a simple mod_perl handler which is attempting to restore a record
from a database based on the cookie returned by the browser.

I know, from both netscape's cookie warning messages and looking at the
response headers that the cookie is set correctly. I even know it comes
back from Netscape correctly.

I am using the CGI class to parse the cookies (automatically) and it seems
that they are being parsed from HTTP_COOKIE on '; ' (from CGI.pm):

    my(@pairs) = split("; ",$raw_cookie);

Unless I'm missing something this will cause what I'm seeing - the last
cookie in the list will be set to it's value, plus a literal ;

Somewhere i remember seeing commentary on this bug before...Does anyone
have any pointers on the fix?

***  My apologies...due to Corporate IS mandate, please update  ***
***  my email address in your records [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  ***

"0201: Keyboard Error.  Press F1 to continue."
  -- IBM PC-XT Rom, 1982
 \ Marc D. Spencer                   Any opinions expressed here \
  \ Applications Engineer              are my own and are not     \
   \ Network Services                    necessarily those of my   \
    \ Eastman Kodak Company                employer.                \

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