Hi gang,

I need to find some great mod_perl programmers to fill positions at a
new startup company.  Vivaldi Networks, Inc., In Menlo Park, CA needs to
fill several programmer positions ASAP.

About us:  Vivaldi Networks is a very young startup company with big
ambitions.  Our product is super-secret, but I gaurantee that it is
neither boring nor lame!  We are located in Menlo Park, California
through May 2000.  After that we will probably be moving closer to or
into San Francisco.

About you:  You are a very talented programmer with lots of experience
building web applications.  You know mod_perl well enough to write your
own handler for any request stage.  Persistent database connections and
robust session handling are no problem for you.  You know what I mean
when I say "O(nlog(n))".  You can use Perl, C, SQL, SGML, and other
languages with ease.  You use Unix at home.  Things you consider side
projects would make lesser programmers' knees shake.

The deal:  If you are interested, call 409.777.1844 to reach me at any
time of day, or email your resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Alternately, you
could fax your resume to 650.566.0290.  You could also just show up at
525 Middlefield Road Suite 119, Menlo Park, CA, 94025 and ask for me.

Jeffrey Baker
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * 409.777.1844

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