> From: Dave Pfaltzgraff@PATAPSCO on 12/14/99 08:50 AM
> I have a problem, that I think is mod_perl, but since I'm new, I'll need some
> pointers. 


> My system is apache with mod_perl running on a linux system. For the
> most part it runs fine, but every once in a while, the server stops responding.
> The entry in the error log is:
>  [error] Undefined subroutine called at /usr/local/apache/perl/main line 164.
> When I look at the code, line 164 is the first call to a subroutine in the
> module called DAS.pm.
> In my httpd.conf file, I have the line:
> PerlRequire DAS.pm DASPG.pm
> I think what puzzles me the most is that this will be running and then all of a
> sudden the error occurs. Once it happens, the only recourse is to stop and
> restart apache. It's almost as though apache, or maybe mod_perl, forgets that
> the module was loaded.
> Any suggestions as to what may be going wrong? What should I look for?
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Dave

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