So I've been reading. I've actually then gone on to test it with a non-DSO
mod_perl and still get segfaults in the cleanup handling phase. I think
the two errors may be related. I'm attaching The output from 
MOD_PERL_TRACE=all (had to set PERL_FREE=0 since it was giving way too
many error messages.

Hope this helps. This problem is really hampering my work at the moment.
Let me know if there's anything else I should try.


On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> mod_perl+dso is not a stable mix, try linking mod_perl static.
> On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Saar Picker wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After building apache with --shared-module=max and building mod_perl using
> > apxs, I get some strange behavior. I've also built my perl with -g
> > 
> > On starting the web server, I get a bunch of "Bad free() ignored."
> > messages that seem to occur at the end of every block of perl code (ie.
> > scripts, loaded modules, etc.). Then the server segfaults. Using httpd -X
> > and gdb I've found that it cores when trying to do a dlclose() on the
> > mod_perl shared library.
> > 
> > Does anyone have an insights as to what might be happening? Backtrace
> > below.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -Saar Picker
> > 
> > Backtrace:
> > 
> > (gdb) bt
> > #0  0x401f4624 in ?? ()
> > #1  0x4009d0c0 in dlclose_doit (handle=0x80b5fb0) at dlclose.c:26
> > #2  0x4000a12b in _dl_catch_error (errstring=0x4009ed00, 
> >     operate=0x4009d0a8 <dlclose_doit>, args=0x80b5fb0) at dl-error.c:141
> > #3  0x4009d608 in _dlerror_run (operate=0x4009d0a8 <dlclose_doit>, 
> >     args=0x80b5fb0) at dlerror.c:122
> > #4  0x4009d08e in dlclose (handle=0x80b5fb0) at dlclose.c:32
> > #5  0x806f590 in ap_os_dso_unload (handle=0x80b5fb0) at os.c:130
> > #6  0x804f280 in unload_module (modi=0x80ad2d4) at mod_so.c:181
> > #7  0x805102e in run_cleanups (c=0x80ae05c) at alloc.c:1706
> > #8  0x804f85d in ap_clear_pool (a=0x80ad0dc) at alloc.c:531
> > #9  0x805f803 in standalone_main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff954) at
> > http_main.c:4469
> > #10 0x8060093 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff954) at http_main.c:4830
> > #11 0x400b7cb3 in __libc_start_main (main=0x805fd5c <main>, argc=4, 
> >     argv=0xbffff954, init=0x804e890 <_init>, fini=0x8093d6c <_fini>, 
> >     rtld_fini=0x4000a350 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xbffff94c)
> >     at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:78
> > 
> > 
> > 
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
perl_startup: perl aleady running...ok
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x81c8c14)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x819102c)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x819138c)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x8184ba4)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x8191074)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x8191020)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x81076c0)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x81076f0)==1
cleanup_av: SvREFCNT(0x81076d8)==1
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
[Tue Dec 14 09:28:11 1999] [error] Cannot remove module mod_perl.c: not found in 
module list
perl_cmd_warn: 1
perl_cmd_tainting: 1
perl_cmd_setenv: 'PERLDB_OPTS' = 'NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1 frame=2'
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
loading perl module 'Apache::DB'...ok
perl_cmd_fresh_restart: 0
perl_cmd_require: /usr/home/saarp/test/apache/perl/
attempting to require `/usr/home/saarp/test/apache/perl/'
init `PerlTransHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlTransHandler, 'Apache::UriHandler'
pushing `Apache::UriHandler' into `PerlTransHandler' handlers
init `PerlLogHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlLogHandler, 'Apache::LogDBI'
pushing `Apache::LogDBI' into `PerlLogHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Registry'
pushing `Apache::Registry' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::AXML'
pushing `Apache::AXML' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Logon'
pushing `Apache::Logon' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Logout'
pushing `Apache::Logout' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Error'
pushing `Apache::Error' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Error'
pushing `Apache::Error' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::PlaySong'
pushing `Apache::PlaySong' into `PerlHandler' handlers
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
`PerlRestartHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlRestartHandler handlers returned -1
[Tue Dec 14 09:28:11 1999] [info] created shared memory segment #545920
perl_init_ids: uid=99, euid=99, gid=99, egid=99
`PerlChildInitHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlChildInitHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlInitHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlInitHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlPostReadRequestHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlPostReadRequestHandler handlers returned -1
running 1 server configured stacked handlers for /...
calling &{PerlTransHandler->[0]} (1 total)
mod_perl: saving SIGALRM (14) handler 0x808a030
mod_perl_dir_env: PERLDB_OPTS=`NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1 
frame=2'PerlPassEnv: `PERLDB_OPTS'=`NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1 
mod_perl: inc seqno to 1 for /
Apache::UriHandler symbol table not found, loading...
loading perl module 'Apache::UriHandler'...ok
checking if `handler' is a
perl_call: defaulting to Apache::UriHandler::handler
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
perl_call_handler: SVs = 23903, OBJs =     7
&{PerlTransHandler->[0]} returned status=-1
`PerlTransHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlTransHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlInitHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlInitHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlHeaderParserHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlHeaderParserHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlAccessHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlAccessHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlTypeHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlTypeHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlFixupHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlFixupHandler handlers returned -1
perl_handler ENTER: SVs = 23903, OBJs =     7
tie *STDOUT => Apache
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
tie *STDIN => Apache
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
running 1 server configured stacked handlers for /index.perl...
calling &{PerlHandler->[0]} (1 total)
perl_setup_env...28 keys
perl_call: trying method lookup on `handler' in class `Apache::Registry'...found
checking if `handler' is a
perl_call: defaulting to Apache::Registry::handler
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
registering PerlCleanupHandler
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
perl_call_handler: SVs = 24435, OBJs =     9
&{PerlHandler->[0]} returned status=0
`PerlHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlHandler handlers returned 0
perl_handler LEAVE: SVs = 24435, OBJs =     9
running 1 server configured stacked handlers for /index.perl...
calling &{PerlLogHandler->[0]} (1 total)
Apache::LogDBI symbol table not found, loading...
loading perl module 'Apache::LogDBI'...ok
checking if `handler' is a
perl_call: defaulting to Apache::LogDBI::handler
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
perl_call_handler: SVs = 25426, OBJs =    18
&{PerlLogHandler->[0]} returned status=0
`PerlLogHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlLogHandler handlers returned 0
running registered cleanup handlers...
perl_call: handler is a cached CV
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
perl_call_handler: SVs = 25426, OBJs =    18
`PerlCleanupHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlCleanupHandler handlers returned -1
perl_end_cleanup...running 0 END blocks for /index.perl
mod_perl: restoring SIG? (14) handler from: 0x808a030 to: 0x808a030
`PerlInitHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlInitHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlPostReadRequestHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlPostReadRequestHandler handlers returned -1
running 1 server configured stacked handlers for /search/65768427f0eb5a08...
calling &{PerlTransHandler->[0]} (1 total)
mod_perl: saving SIGALRM (14) handler 0x808a030
PerlPassEnv: `PERLDB_OPTS'=`NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1 frame=2'
mod_perl: inc seqno to 2 for /search/65768427f0eb5a08
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
perl_call_handler: SVs = 25398, OBJs =    18
&{PerlTransHandler->[0]} returned status=-1
`PerlTransHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlTransHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlInitHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlInitHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlHeaderParserHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlHeaderParserHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlAccessHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlAccessHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlTypeHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlTypeHandler handlers returned -1
`PerlFixupHandler' push_handlers() stack is empty
PerlFixupHandler handlers returned -1
perl_handler ENTER: SVs = 25398, OBJs =    18
tie *STDOUT => Apache
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
tie *STDIN => Apache
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
running 1 server configured stacked handlers for /search/index.perl...
calling &{PerlHandler->[0]} (1 total)
perl_setup_env...29 keys
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
registering PerlCleanupHandler
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
blessing request_rec=(0x852943c)
assertion botched (chunk's head overwrite?): ovp->ovu.ovu_rmagic == 0x55555555

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