
We're planning on migrating to an Apache::Session + mysql approach for 
managing session state, for a large-ish site hosted on multiple servers. 
While there have been many useful discussions on this list concerning the 
technologies involved, I haven't seen many war stories from the field, as 
it were.

I have some specific questions  - hopefully someone out there has had to 
address these issues and may have some good advice.

a) If your site runs on multiple servers, do you attempt to cache session 
state records on the web server for any length of time after they are 
retrieved from the DBMS ? and if so, how do you handle cache consistency 
across all your servers  - (we have rather blind load balancing hardware in 
front of our server farm with no way  of implementing any kind of server 
affinity that I am aware of)

b) Does anyone have redundant database servers ? If so ... are there any 
implementation gotchas ? and if you have a single server, how does session 
management work  when it goes down ? (I'm pretty happy with the hardware - 
Suns - which we have, but a disk can go at any time....)

c) This is more of a mysql question....  When do people consider a session 
to have expired ? and what is the best strategy for deleting expired 
sessions from a database, especially given that mysql's table based locking 
seems to leave a bit to be desired if you're trying to mix update 
operations with a big SELECT/DELETE to purge expired sessions  ?


- Simon
Simon Rosenthal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
Web Systems Architect
Northern Light Technology       222 Third Street, Cambridge MA 02142
Phone:  (617)577-2796  :       URL:  http://www.northernlight.com
"Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

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