>  >  PerlPostReadRequestHandler 'sub { Apache->request(shift) }'
>  doug,
>      thanks for the response.  I had tried the bandaid with no luck.
>  Probably should have said that in the post :-) 

Ok having realised that the Handler wasn't getting called as I already had
another PerlPostReadRequestHandler being called the issue is getting

I am trying to call CGI within a PerlAuthenHandler

I can new correctly create the CGI object, i.e. it no longer falls over on
registering it's callbacks.  However it does not get any of the data. Now I
presume this is because the CGI environment is not yet set up.  In the
server log it appears to be working offline......  So I tried adding to the
environment before calling CGI->new setting REQUEST_METHOD CONTENT_LENGTH
and CONTENT_TYPE.  This creates the object correctly (but without any
parameters) on a POST request.  It would appear that CGI is not getting
anything from STDIN.  At the moment I can work around this by calling
cgi->param for each bit of $r->content, I was just wondering if there is a
better way fro all of this ?


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