At 11:52 AM 12/22/99 , Ken Y. Clark wrote:

>so it now works, but i feel kinda dirty.  and here's the last bit of
>strangeness:  i have another page that is generated in the same manner
>that works just fine.  the only difference is that the perl sub generates
>a form that is *not* enctype="multipart/form-data".  both forms do,
>however, POST their data.

I'm not sure if I completely understand the problem at hand, but part of 
it, I think, is in trying to use $r->content with multipart/form-data data 
encoding.  $r->content only works with application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
data (see the documentation for  To retrieve POSTed data in a 
multipart format you need to use $r->read or Apache::Request (see the docs 
for details).


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