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I have installed the ApacheAuthPerLDAP for
mod_perl, to do
authentication with an LDAP server.  This is
working fine, with the following config:

<Directory />
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
    AllowOverride All

    AuthName "NSTA Web - LDAP Authentication"
    AuthType Basic
    PerlSetVar BaseDN
    PerlSetVar LDAPServer
    PerlSetVar LDAPPort 389
    PerlSetVar UIDAttr uid
    require valid-user

    PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthPerLDAP

However, I want to allow older File-based
authentication techniques to work if the LDAP
fails.  My .htaccess file contains:

AuthName "Moshe's Stuff - Unix Auth"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /usr/local/www/secure/passwd 
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/www/secure/group 
require user moshel

But it seems that any userid entered here is still
checked against the LDAP server, not the files! 
How do I specify in the .htaccess file that I want
old-fashioned Apache authentication, and not LDAP
via mod_perl?


Moshe - The Knowledge Archive

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