Additionally, one thing that is not clear, is how much memory
would actually be saved by building it as DSO.

It will not be used by any non-apache binaries, and when built
statically, most of it ends up in shared memory in any case.

cliff rayman

"Frank D. Cringle" wrote:

> Jeff Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> > I've read the archives, and from what I can tell, mod_perl sometimes
> > works as a DSO, and other times doesn't. I've seen Frank Cringle say it
> > works, then later to link static. I've seen Doug say it should work.
> > I've seen other say it works, but you can't load other DSO's (like PHP).
> I don't think there is a single answer to the question "does mod_perl
> work as a DSO?".  No one seems to have analysed an instance of the
> problem in sufficient detail to give a statement-by-statement account
> of exactly what goes wrong and why.  There may be more than one
> failure mechanism on different operating systems and versions of libc
> / perl / apache / mod_perl / 'used' modules / whatever.  The analysis is
> non-trivial and requires someone with time and a good understanding of
> shared-libraries and the guts of apache and perl.
> The best pragmatic advice at the moment is: if you have problems using
> mod_perl as a DSO, recompile apache and link mod_perl statically.
> --
> Frank Cringle,      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357

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