I am having a little trouble with mod_rewrite (probably because I think I am 
using it for something it was not intended to do).  Basically what I want to 
accomplish is to redirect the user based on several rules.  The problem is, 
the rules are based on both the logical path _and_ the query string.  I have 
successfully redirected using tests on the path (i.e., 
http://www.mysite.com/MY/PATH), but mod_rewrite does not seem to allow me to 
test the query string.

I know that by using RewriteCond I can use environment variables, inclduing 
QUERY_STRING, as conditions for my test.  But, when it comes to the actual 
redirection, RewriteRule does not seem to let me run a regex on the query 
string (i.e., it is stripped off and held).

The problem with this is that the url that I want to redirect the user to is 
going to be coming to me from within the query string.  So, if I have a 
query string as such:


I want to test if the path is redirect (easy to do), but then for the 
substitution I want to use the value in the uri parameter.

I know I can reappend the string using the flag QSA, but I can't seem to 
extract values from this string to use in the redirect.  I also know I can 
simply write a perl module to handle this, but I wanted the speed increase I 
can get from C (which is, of course, what mod_rewrite is written in).  Any 

Jason Simms
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