I have a question about the -U test under mod_rewrite.  The docs state that 
the test "Checks if TestString is a valid URL and accessible...".  Well, the 
problem I am having is that if I give it a path the clearly does not exist 
on my system, the logs report that it does the check and returns a 200(OK).  
For instance, if I have a a URL that I send it:


And then if I extract and do a -U test on 'hjk', it will report a 200 OK and 
try to redirect (I have indicated in my scripts to redirect only if the URL 
is valid, which is what I thought -U would accomplish).  I have the log 
verbosity on 9, so I am certain that it is using _only_ the 'hjk', and not 
extra stuff.  Specifically, the flow from the logs is:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [07/Jan/2000:16:59:13 -0500] 
[xxx.xxx.com/sid#8100034][rid#81a8034/initial] (5) RewriteCond URI (-U) 
check: path=hjk -> status=200

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [07/Jan/2000:16:59:13 -0500] 
[xxx.xxx.com/sid#8100034][rid#81a8034/initial] (4) RewriteCond: input='hjk' 
pattern='-U' => matched

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [07/Jan/2000:16:59:13 -0500] 
[xxx.xxx.com/sid#8100034][rid#81a8034/initial] (2) local path result: jh

Does anyone know the inner workings of this module who could give me some 
insight as to why this happens?  Is there another way that I can verify the 
validity of a URL, external or internal, from within mod_rewrite (or 
anything else I can use from within a configuration file)?  Thanks!

Jason Simms
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