Yeah...  two things I'd do:

        1)  Open two telnet sessions to the box.  One for top that is
monitoring processes for your web user (www typically) and is sorting by
memory usage w/ a 1 second refresh.  I'd change the size of the window and
make it pretty short so that the refreshes happen quicker, but that
depends on your connection speed.  The second telnet window is a window
that tails your access log (tail -f).  It sounds boring, but by watching
the two, you should have an idea as to when the problem happens.
        2)  Open up and hack Apache::SizeLimit and have it do a stack dump
(Carp::croak) of what's going on... there may be some clue there.

        Solution #1 will probably be your best bet...  Good luck (cool
site too!).  --SC

Sean Chittenden                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
fingerprint = 6988 8952 0030 D640 3138  C82F 0E9A DEF1 8F45 0466

The faster I go, the behinder I get.
                -- Lewis Carroll

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, James Furness wrote:

> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 21:47:03 -0000
> From: James Furness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: James Furness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Sean Chittenden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Memory leak/server crashes
> > Try using Apache::SizeLimit as a way of controlling your
> > processes.  Sounds like a recursive page that performs infinite internal
> > requests.
> Ok, sounds like a good solution, but it still seems to me I should be
> eliminating the problem at the source. Any ideas as to how I could narrow
> down the location of whatever's causing the recursion?
> --
> James Furness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ICQ #:  4663650

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