I've got a few things to add..

I wrapped my tie in an eval so I can see what cookie is being set, etc.
It's been a big help for debugging.  This has helped me to discover that the
scroller applet I'm using makes a query to a text file on the server.. so if
I have a page w/ the scroller applet in it, two requests are made to the
handler.. not just one (which makes sense).

scenario #1:

I open a fresh browser and go to some generic page w/out the scroller in
it.. session_id is set.. no problems.  Then I go to the page with the
scroller in it.. and still no problems.  Everything is as I would expect it
to be.  The log file shows this when I load and refresh once:

[Mon Jan 10 13:47:57 2000] [info] tie() successful: ''
[Mon Jan 10 13:48:13 2000] [info] tie() successful: '4f6b9edbe40e0c2b'

So the first line is request #1.. and the second line is the refresh.

scenario #2:

I open a fresh browser and go directly to the page with the scroller in it.
The page comes up fine.  When I refresh, the handler bombs.  The log file
shows this:

[Mon Jan 10 13:50:43 2000] [info] tie() successful: ''
[Mon Jan 10 13:50:47 2000] [info] tie() successful: ''
[Mon Jan 10 13:51:54 2000] [error] tie() failed: 'Object does not exist in
the data store at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/DBIStore.pm line 192.
Callback called exit.

So the first line is request #1.. the second line is the java applet
requesting its file.. the third and all following lines are the result of a

It looks like the java applet is causing the server to set a second cookie..
am I correct in assuming this?


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