> The $escmode thing doesn't seem to work for me. In my srm.conf I have
> optRedirectStdout set. My embperl code looks a bit like this...
> [- use foo; -]
> [- $escmode = 1; -]

You need to set to to zero!

> [- foo->bar() -]
> And inside foo.pm....
> bar() {
> print <<EOF
> <HTML>
> }
> I've used $escmode before inside regular embperl successfully, but it
> doesn't seem to be doing for me in this case. I also tried the full name
> of escmode (HTML::escmode or whatever it is Gerald suggested. Don't have
> it in front of me now).
> I was using 1.2.0b5 I believe, and it all seemed to work. Now the html
> comes out before the http headers unless I set optRedirectStdout.

There was no change in this behaviour. That buffering of the output (which
causes your problem), is introduced somewhere in 0.1x (3 years ago :-)

Anyway if it works, like you write in your other mail, then everything is
fine :-)


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