Hi there,

An Englishman asked an Irishman for directions to a place some
distance away.  The Irishman replied, "T'be sure, if oi was going
there, oi wouldn't start from here!".

This *is* a bit off-topic, but the guy needs help.
Press `D' if you're bored already.

On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Kader Ben wrote:

> I want to check if @rec contains the string "Unknown" but when I do
> so the program is very very slow (this process 6M file into @rec
> array). Is there any other away to rewrite this code?

> for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@rec); $i++) { $rec[$i] = '"'.$rec[$i].'"'; }
> if($rec[16] eq '"Unknown"') { Alert_Unknown_ChannelID($rec[0]); }
> else { my $out = join(',', @rec) . "\n"; print (G $out); }
> }

I'd really need more to go on than you've given, so I'll make some
wild assumptions, and here goes...

It's horribly inefficient to read a big file into an array with a
large number of elements only to process it with things like:

$rec[$i] = '"'.$rec[$i].'"';

Think about what you're asking.  Each element has to grow by a couple
of bytes...

Maybe you can manipulate smaller chunks of the file?  If you must add
the quotes, do it before the pieces go into the array.  If you don't
need to do any more processing on the array, just put the first 16
elements into it (I assume they're relatively small), something like
the code below.  Process the 16 element array as you do now, but deal
with the remaining input on the fly, without putting it in an array.
Try to use $_ wherever you can.

I take it you *are* using the `-w' switch and `use strict;'?


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Read a file, put quotes around all the lines.
# You can probably tell I'm really a `C' programmer.

use strict;

my @rec=();            # Small array, big file
my $fileName = "/home/ged/website/input/create/data/input/catalogue.srt";


# Read first bit of file
my $i=0;
while( $rec[$i++]=<FD> ) { last if $i==16; }

# My file has newlines so chop 'em off before wrapping with quotes.
# More efficient to print this inside the body of the while() above,
# maybe you don't need the array at all...
for( $i=0; $i<=$#rec; ) { chop($rec[$i]); print "\"$rec[$i++]\"\n"; }

# Announce
print "***** Here we are at line 16. *****\n";

# Add quotes on the fly.  O'course we don't have to do it at all...
if( 1 ) { while( <FD> ) { chop; print "\"$_\"\n"; } }


# EOF: ged.pl

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