> you'll get a better idea of the problem running strace (or truss) 
> against the server.  in any case, you should avoid any code that's 
> forking a process, since it's throwing performance out the window. 
   Is there a 'nice way' (meaning, a patch or manual change I can do to those
modules) to prevent forking or, rather, replace it by stg else that gets me the
same thing ? I can spend (a lot of) time looking for system() and
backticks in the modules I use, but if I need the functionnality how can I 
'correct' the code of those modules ?

> > On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN wrote:
> > 
> > > [Wed Jan  5 17:46:49 2000] null: Can't exec "pwd": Permission denied at
> > > /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/Cwd.pm line 82.
> This is most likely due to a corruption of the PATH environment
> variable. In my case, Daniel Jacobowitz fixed this problem on Debian,
> I think by upgrading to the latest mod_perl snapshot.
   I thought I had the latest modperl, but...
   Still, your diagnostic seems to be right. I got those errors away by changing the 
.pm files and including  FULL PATH information ('/bin/pwd' instead
of 'pwd'). And one of my test, printing the $PATH, displayed weird characters at
the begining of this variable (@n:/usr/bin: instead of /bin:/usr/bin).

> There is a patch to correct the PATH environment variable corruption 
> problem, if you'd rather not go to the development mod_perl snapshot. 
>  I applied the patch to mod_perl version 1.21 on Red Hat Linux 6.0 
> and it has been working fine for me.

> The patch was forwarded to me, originally authored by Doug 
> MacEachern. 
   And I will test it as soon as I get my dirty hands on the webserver.

   Thanks for everything !
-- Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN

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