Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Depends what the business is. If it is a serious business looking for VC I
> would actually suspect the inverse is true: MySQL is underkill (I think I
> just made that word up) due to its lack of transactions and other advanced
> features (yes, these things do mean something in the real world).

Actually for web sites the lack of transactions is more of a boon than a
problem. Carefully written web pages rarely need complex multiple query
transactions anyways. I'm using Oracle now and the single biggest complaint is
the unnecessary overhead transactions put in everything even when they're not
needed or wanted.

For example, it makes it very hard to mix any kind of long running query with
OLTP transactions against the same data, since rollback data accumulates very
quickly. I would give some appendage for a while to tell Oracle to just use
the most recent data for a long running query without attempting to rollback
to a consistent view.

That said other Oracle features are absolutely essential to web sites:
partitioned tables, warm standby databases, hot backups, etc. 


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