If I understand you correctly, you don't want to use mod_perl, just
If so, the easiest way to use perl is to dowload ActivePerl (free) from
Activestate website http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/download.htm
It comes with great documentation, install it as per documentation.

If you wish to use CGI, the first line of each script should start with 
where x is the drive and yyy is the directory where perl.exe is.
This is known as the shebang line in the trade.

You should ejoin the activestate perl newsgroup at 

Best Rgds
Rod Butcher

Jingtao Yun wrote:
> Hi,
>    I installed Apache Server for NT on my machine. But
> I don't know how to get perl to work not using module perl.
> Any message will be appreciated.

Rod Butcher                 | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
Hyena Holdings Internet     | its wonders and its miracles and out of
      Programming           | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
                            |    Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer

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