
I've noticed strange behavior when I mix the [$ $] and [* *] operators in
Embperl code.

I had the following code:

[$ if ($#$dat >= 0) $]
<b>Links: [+ $#$dat +]</b><br>

<table cellspacing=5>
 [* foreach $row (@$dat) { *]
    <tr> <td>
    <a href="[+ $page_url +]?shownode=[+ $row->[4] +]">[+ $row->[1]
    [+ $row->[2] +]<br>
 [* } *]

[$ endif $][# Links #]

The problem was that sometimes even when $#$dat = -1 ($dat is a ref to
SELECT result from DBI) the block was executed. A reload - and it doesn't
execute anymore. 

I changed [$ $] to [* *] operators and everything started to work


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