> I cannot seem to get custom configuration directives to work in 
> apache (1.3.11) modperl (1.21). I would presume the examples in the
> book do not work either. I found someone having similar problems
> in the list archives, to which Doug provided a workaround which also
> does not work.
> Any advice about this issue is helpful. Please reply to me directly as
> well. 
> In Makefile.PL:
>   my @directives = (
>   ...
>         {   name        =>  'Directive4',
>         errmsg      =>  'Anything',
>         args_how    =>  'RAW_ARGS',
>         req_override=>  'OR_ALL',
>         },
>   );
> In the httpd.conf file:
>   <Perl>
>   require Apache::TestDirective;
>   delete $INC{'Apache/TestDirective.pm'};
>   </Perl>
>   #PerlModule Apache::TestDirective

Why are you using 'require', and not the PerlModule line you commented

>   Directive4 foo
> What comes back:
>  Invalid command 'Directive4', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
>  module not included in the server configuration


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