Ken Williams wrote:
> Changes:
>    - Added 'handle' parameter to filter_input(), which lets callers open the
>      input filehandle themselves.
>      [[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vegard Vesterheim)]

Hi Ken.

I've figured out that using this, I can *cheat* and get Apache::Filter
work with my handler whereas I could not get it to work before.  Let me 

I've got a PerlHandler called "MJS::AppServer" which was configured as:
<Location /myapps/>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler MJS::AppServer

Basically what this handler does is accept a URI like:

and the handler sees that "CreateUser" is in the path info.  Because of
it does "my $app = MJS::Applications::CreateUser->new($r);
(well it does more, but that is the basic thing it does).

Anyway, when using previous versions of Apache::Filter with this
handler, I
would get "NOT_FOUND" returned because of course, Apache::Filter cant
/myapps/CreateUser.. it just plain does not exist... Neither does the 
directory /myapps.

But, using this version, in, I am able to do:
if (lc $r->dir_config('Filter') eq 'on') {

And everything is fine from then out (I usually pass it through

So now we use it like:
PerlHandler MJS::AppServer Apache::SSI

And it all works.

Maybe you could consider making a dir_config() directive to
get this behaviour?  Something like "Filter_No_Input On" to say
that there is no input for the first handler and the first handler
provides the output itself?  That way I dont have to resort to 
abusing the "handle" argument to get the desired behavior :)
Or is there a different way to do this that I am missing?

Mike Schout

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