On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Martin A. Langhoff wrote:

> Hi,
>     I've just got my apache/modperl setup to work. This little nastie
> took me 2 days to find.
>     In my /usr/src directory, I had:
>         - apache_1.3.3 [dir]
>         - apache_1.3.9 [dir]
>         - mod_perl-1.21 [dir]
>     and was compiling modperl/perl with:
>         #perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/usr/src/apache_1.3.9 DO_HTTPD=1
> APACI_ARGS=--enable-module=all
>         #make && make test && make install
>         and then a make install from apache_1.3.9
>     This setup was consistently failing, or rather ...
>         - if I added --enable-shared=max apache compiled and started
> unless a call to mod_perl was made. If I tryed to load Embperl in
> httpd.conf, httpd would not start, claiming that Apache::Constants was
> not installed/found/whatever.
>         - I upgraded perl, recompiled perl + all the perl modules I had
> + mod-perl + apache again. Several recompiles and shrieks.
>     Now, today, with a fresh head, I noticed a little message when
> making mod_perl, which said it was 'getting into ../apache_1.3.3'. So I
> renamed the directory to be called old.apache_1.3.3 and recompiled.
>     Voilá!
>     So either my APACHE_SRC argument was wrong (I swear I read it in
> Stas' Guide) or the Makefile was ignoring it...

Seems to me like you forgot to make clean before rebuilding stuff. A few
folks reported in the past that starting from clean tar solved their

As for the APACHE_SRC, the scenario you have described can only happen if
you provided invalid APACHE_SRC paramter. Here is the relevant snippet
from Makefile.PL: 

for $src_dir ($APACHE_SRC, <../apache*/src>,
    <../stronghold*/src>, </usr/local/stronghold*/src>,
                                        "../src", "./src")
    next unless -d $src_dir;
    next if $seen{$src_dir}++;
    next unless $vers = httpd_version($src_dir);
    unless(exists $vers_map{$vers}) {
        print STDERR "Apache version '$vers' unsupported\n";
    $mft_map{$src_dir} = $vers_map{$vers};
    #print STDERR "$src_dir -> $vers_map{$vers}\n";
    push @adirs, $src_dir;
    $modified{$src_dir} = (stat($src_dir))[9];
    last if $DO_HTTPD;

If $APACHE_SRC is defined correctly relative to mod_perl src tree, the
'for' loop goes thru only once. 

>     Now if you find it was my mistake, one way or another, then please
> forgive me for saying the bug was yours [whoever wrote the makefile]
> when it was mine.

The bad thing is that you report about a potential problem, but don't stay
with us to follow up. So I thought twice before replying to your email,
since I feel that I talk to the wall until before you come back from your

Enjoy the vacation :)

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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