Dear friends:

I've started with mod_perl just a month ago, and have been building a
mod_perl/DBI/Oracle applicacion which went fine, until the following
sequence ocurred:

1) I added the exit() routine from the guide, along with it's corresponding
BEGIN block
2) I started getting the following error on the logs:
[Fri Feb  4 14:57:02 2000] [error] Too many arguments for
user at /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-btrack/ line 142, near "$Pwd1)"

after every file edit and save cycle. And it always refers to the same

sub do_login_work {
       #examine parameters passed and see if user can be passed on, or
should be
        #held back at the login.
        my $Name = $query->param('Name') || '';
        my $Pwd1 = $query->param('Pwd1') || '';
        if(length($Name) && length($Pwd1)) 
                } else {
sub do_old_user() {
        #verify that user is on file to let him proceed
        my ($Name,$Pwd1)=@_;
        my (@usrpwd);
 The only way to fix it up until now has been to kill and re-start Apache.
It has not helped to try the following:
-comment out the BEGIN block dealing with exit() redefining, and the new
exit() from the Guide
-pre-declare : 
sub do_old_user($$);

What am I doing wrong?

Rafael Caceres

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