
I have a minor problem with Apache and mod_perl regarding the logging of
response status codes to the access_log.

I have a program where I want to do the authentication manually. The
program has to have a user database anyway, so I would like to
authenticate against that.

Below is a small test program, which manages to send back a 401 response
to get the browser to prompt for a password, and to extract the username
and password on the following request. The program works as expected,
except that the entries in the access_log give a status code of 200 for
both requests, even though the first returns a 401.  I have tested with
lynx -trace and manually, and the servers does reply with a 401, only it
logs a 200.

localhost - - [05/Feb/2000:14:48:10 +0100] "GET /auth.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200
localhost - - [05/Feb/2000:14:48:58 +0100] "GET /auth.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200

Also the username doesn't show up in the log, but that is probably
because I bypass the server based authentication completely.

Do I have to make a specialised PerlAuthenHandler to get this right? 
Never tried that before.  I would probably have to reinstall Apache and
mod_perl for that.

Anyway, I would be happy if somebody could thred a bit of light on this.

I use Apache 1.3.9, modperl 1.21, CGI.pm 2.46

René Seindal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                  http://www.seindal.dk/rene/

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use CGI;
use Apache;
use MIME::Base64;

&main(new CGI());

sub main {
    my ($q) = @_;
    my $r = Apache->request;
    my $auth = $r->header_in('Authorization');

    if ($auth) {
        print $q->header('text/plain', '200 OK');
        print("ACCESS OK\n");

        print("Debug output\n");
        print("Authorization: $auth\n");

        my ($user, $pw) = split(/:/, decode_base64(substr($auth, 6)));
        print("User $user, Password $pw\n");

    } else {
        local $| = 1;

        print $q->header(-type=>'text/plain',
                         -status=>'401 Unauthorized',
                        -WWW_Authenticate=>'Basic realm="hej"');

        print("You need a password\n");

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