Hi there - 

I'm new to this list so hope I'm not "out of line" by asking the

I recently acquired a dedicated server to run several big sites, one which
required the use of mod_perl for authentication (AuthenDBI) with an mSQL
database.  However, I'm now informed that since we compiled mod_perl  (1.21)
into Apache (1.3.11) the domain site control panels for each domain no
longer work (Internal Server errors).  This is one of those graphical site
control panels that clients can use to maintain their site (e-mail, shopping
cart, mime types, etc.)

My conundrum is whether to remove mod_perl so that the clients can have
their control panels back or find a control panel that is compatible.  Any
ideas on what to expect? Can the server survive without mod_perl?  Has
anyone had a similar experience?

Server is running Linux RedHat 6.1.  I don't know the exact Control Panel
software package but I've seen it before.

One possible solution is to move the database over to MySQL and use
mod_auth_mysql for authentication, therefore relieving the need for
mod_perl.  But since the sites use Perl scripts extensively, especially with
database queries, will removing mod_perl create a drastic performance hit?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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