On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> > And for those following along, after further study in the source, it
> > looks like custom_response can be only one of three things: a string,
> > an internal URL (internal redirect) or an external URL (external
> > redirect on error).  Same thing as a "ErrorDocument" directive.
> > 
> > So, I'm punting.  When I get an error, I have to redirect to a URL,
> > which then has to start all over figuring out why they were sent
> > there.  Which is not totally bad, because I have to ask the user some
> > questions in a form, and I need to reevaluate why they might be there
> > on the return trip anyway in case the world has changed out from under
> > me.
> Can you do an internal redirect and stuff things in pnotes/notes?

I tried this recently from an AccessHandler, and the results were weird.
The Eagle book makes it pretty clear (don't have it handy for a reference)
that $r->internal_redirect() should only be called from a Content Handler.

-- Tom Mornini
-- InfoMania Printing and Prepress

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