
We have designed a web site creator that uses
Perl and DBI to work with MySQL.  The integration
between the two was great, but recently our website has
been over run with users and our poor MySQL database is showing
some major slow downs. So we have two possible solutions we
are researching.  Trying to optimize the MySQL to work better
under these stressful condition (which are going to get worse) or
moving the SQL server onto another machine with a more scalable SQL server
such as Sybase.  

However, we would like to make the move with the least amount of perl code
modification. So if we could replace the current DBI:MySQL calls with Sybase
calls or the like, that would be very attractive.

We found that we are quicking using up the max connections to the MySQL
and when we raise the max connection, the performance gets worse. What was
MySQL designed
to handle, should it be able to handle 2000 connections, or is that outside
the scope
of the design of the server.

Does anyone have any suggestions or similar experiences with scaling.


Aaron Ryan

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